Monday, July 24, 2017

My First Post

[ˈˌōpən ˈˌmīndid]

openminded (adjective)

  1. willing to consider new ideas; unprejudiced.

WELCOME TO Southern Indiana Openminded!

After reading all of the local blogs, there seems to be one thing in common... No one likes change and every idea seems to be a bad one.

This BLOG is aimed at providing a different POV than you might find from the haters on Clark County Chatter (or what's left of it), Hoosier Tax Payer (who bounces back and forth from moderator to hater who has it out for Clark County Republican Leadership), and Roger Baylor's POV over on New Albany Confidential.

Most of what I will write about will be what I hear about going on within the community or what is the hot topic of the day that's not being covered by our local News Tribune.